Thursday, November 15, 2012

Good Samaritans

So one of my tires got busted coming home from my night class earlier. I don't know how, I only noticed it after the car started making strange noises and began slowing down. It was dark but I pulled it over in front of some random houses. There was a bad burnt rubber smell, the left-side back tire was completely flat and not safe to drive with (I shouldn't had drove it as far as I did). This wasn't my first time, all I needed was my brother here with all the tools. But stupid me, I had forgotten and left my cellphone it at home. As I always do in the worst of times. -_-

Luckily someone was pulling into their driveway, I really hate to bother people but in this case I had to. He was an older gentleman, who was probably in his mid-thirties. I told him I had a flat tire and asked if I could use a phone. Instead, he offered to help change the tires himself. I was surprised but said sure. It meant that I wouldn't have to be stuck here so long. He opened his garage, took out tools and got the tires changed. It was interesting to watch, he had this cool power-tool that easily took off/on the lug nuts in seconds. Something I know would take 5 minutes with a normal cross wrench. After that he told me not to drive over fifty-five and not too far(which is common sense, it's just a spare tire). I thanked him and went on my way. 

It's so awesome how generous and kind people can be when you're in need of help, especially when you're just a stranger to them. I've gotten helped in lots of situations before and in all those, I can say I'm really thankful for. 

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